Throughout the articles written here the term "God" is used. It needs to be made quite plain that "God" is not God. "God" is a perfectly inadequate word that is used to describe the indescribable. God is Love, Truth, Eternal, God is none of these things. God can not be defined with words. God is not something you believe in. It would be more accurate to say, "I believe in nothing."
God is what you get when you strip away everything else. God is what you get when you peel away every layer, every multiverse, every universe before this universe. God is not all that is left - there is nothing left. God is that nothing. Not the scientific nothing. Science does not believe in "nothing" - "There is no such thing as 'nothing'," - just as they say there is no such thing as God. Not the nothing that you get when you suck all the air out of a heavy metal container. Not the nothing that still contains energy - energy that can be measured. God can not be measured. It is the immeasurable. God is nothing. God is no thing. It is the void, the abyss, the bottomless emptiness. God is unfathomable.
Synonymous with "God" are "Love" and "Truth." God does not make itself love - it is love. Love is. It is the natural state of things. We know it instinctively, and we wither and die in its absence. The sound of nothing is the perfect chord, all waves moving in harmony. We are out of tune, discordant, and we must get ourselves in tune. The big bang was chaotic. It is a discordant cacophony. Gradually harmony is being achieved. Eventually everything will come into tune with the nothingness, but we don't have to wait for that to happen. We can start now. There is not much we can do about the tunelessness of this world, but we can recognise the lack of harmony within ourselves, and that we can do something about.
What is the opposite of "ego"?
Eons ago, when man crossed some threshold of self-awareness, already present self-defence mechanisms were thrown into a tailspin. We are a mutation, unable to satisfactorily handle this greater level of self-awareness. We haven't yet learned to cope with it. Matters of the mind remain a mystery to man. The dance of the honey-bee, mass migration, murmuration, instinct and intuition, we know nothing about. We can explain what happens, but can say nothing about the why or how.
A quick search for "What is the opposite of ego?" brings up such expressions as "sacred self", "the real you," or, "the authentic self." None of these adequately convey what is the opposite of ego.
Ego = self. Ego is selfish. The opposite of selfish is unselfish. In order to find the opposite of ego, we need to "unself" ourselves. We need to decouple from the self - throw off the self. All things associated with the self, everything we identify with the self, must be stripped off. We must become "not self", or "nothing." However, we can not just say, "I am nothing," we need to become nothing. We do this by peeling off everything that is something. We become aware of the beliefs and ideologies that make up me, and we strip them off, we get rid of them, layer by layer, peeling off the layers until there is nothing left. Like an onion. And, yes, like peeling an onion, we do it through the tears. When a child passes a certain threshold of self-awareness, the ego will kick in, a self-preservation mechanism based on a fear of dying. What danger has there been in the child's life to arouse the fear of death and insignificance? What guilt and shame?
God as nothing makes sense of the statement, "The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom." (Psalm 111:10) You might think, "I am not scared of nothing." But being a double negative, it would really mean, "I am scared of everything." This is probably a very accurate assessment of our state of mind. When we can say, "I am not scared of anything," we are really saying, "I fear nothing," and that is the beginning of wisdom.
(Except, of course, that the person who says, "I'm not scared of anything," is usually lying, and needs to go back to square one.)
The nothing is the first cause, the "How" in, "How Did We Get Here?" Out from this nothing came everything. What happens when you die? Nothing. And nothing holds the potential for anything.