The question of whether or not God exists is of no consequence. What is vital is that even if we don't believe in God, we make darn sure we create one, and the sooner the better.
Even if we do believe in God, or belong to some religion, we need to set our God aside and create another one. We are each of us in a box, with all our beliefs, assumptions, prejudices - all the things that make up "me" - and God is right there in the box with us. The God we believe in is part of the problem, and the God we don't believe in is part of the problem.
So, we need to imagine a new being. A being that stands outside of the box. Someone that can see who we are, and have been. Someone that has observed every moment of our lives. Our newly imagine being is completely free. He/She/It is not bound by time or the physics of this world. He is free to roam through our thoughts and feelings. He can move back through time, and where we might remember certain events, our God remembers everything and lives it as if it were happening right now.
This God is compassionate, free from judgement, prejudice, or disgust.
Having a piece of the Exodus pie
As much as we might hate to admit it, the Israelites were on to something when they named their God "Yahweh". It could be that this name had quite a homely origin, that it was a tribal family God. Whoever it was that came up with such a name was a very insightful fellow. It has been commented that the description of the name given at Exodus 3:14 - "I am that I am" - suggests that He will become whatever is necessary in order for his will to be done. It doesn't matter what the Israelites went on to do with this God of theirs, what they made him say, or purport to do. Your Yahweh is not their Yahweh, is not my Yahweh. My God is not your God, because I have not been present for your life. Your God fits your mold. He becomes whatever he needs to be, for you.
This God is a jealous God. He is jealous for you. This God does not want to see you going after other Gods with their petty conflicts, hatreds etc. Your God is protective of you and your interests.
It is fitting that such a description be found in the book of Exodus. We are talking about a journey - leaving slavery behind and becoming free. It means "going out", and we are trying to get out of our box. Of course, we don't go into it with the intention of moving. It is not about self-improvement because self-improvement implies judgement...however, moving is what will irresistibly happen.
Leaving a land of slavery
You must be able to stand outside yourself, observe yourself and say, "This is what I am - violent, competitive, lustful, whatever we might be. This is why. This is how I became what I am. This is when it first manifested itself." Instead of running from what you are, hiding from it and trying to hide it from others, you accept it and embrace it unequivocally. We identify what we are, what we feel, what we do, without any prejudice or judgement
We need to be able to listen in on all of our thoughts, and ask, why do I think that? Why do I speak to myself negatively? Why do I think so highly of myself? Again, we do this without any partiality. We assume knowledge of good and bad must inevitably lead to judgement of good and bad, but our God does not judge, for there is nothing to judge - it merely accepts the way things were and the way things are. Acceptance and acknowledgement mean that we are able to let things go.
Eventually, of course, we will find that we have climbed out of our box - the watcher and the watched have become the same person...or, as Jesus put it, "I and the Father are one."
When this happens everything you are becomes unimportant, and with unimportance comes freedom.
It is not a case of believing in God - God simply is. And if it isn't, it ought to be.